Basmah Qazi

Back to school warnings amid coronavirus concerns

NSW health officials have warned any children who have come in contact with someone with coronavirus should not return to school tomorrow.

They also said that any child who visited the Hubei province in China should get themselves checked out immediately for signs of the deadly infection.

It comes as a number of schools in NSW have told families that have been to China, they would need a doctor’s certificate before term one.

As reported by ABC News, Sydney private schools Scots College, Kambala School and Newington College have reached out to parents with the warning.

Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said any child who had been in contact with a person confirmed as having novel coronavirus must not attend school or childcare for 14 days after last coming into contact with the infected person.

“Fourteen days represented the internationally recognised incubation period for the disease,” said Dr Chant.

“After this time the child is considered to not be at risk of infection.”

Dr Chant said students who have travelled to Wuhan – where the virus originated – and Hubei throughout the school holidays could go back to school but should be constantly monitored for symptoms.

“The most common symptom is fever,” Dr Chant said.

“Other symptoms include cough, sore throat and shortness of breath.”

Anyone who is dealing with these symptoms should immediately isolate themselves from other people and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

corona virus, health, school, infection