Danielle McCarthy

What your mouth says about your health

Someone’s smile is often one of the first things people notice about a person. But beyond making a good first impression, your mouth can also tell you a lot about your general health.

It’s easy to live with certain issues that you may not think are a big deal. But in fact, issues with your teeth and mouth in general need to be attended to pronto, as they can lead to more serious issues down the track if left untreated.

So what should you be looking out for?


Some people seem to be more susceptible to mouth ulcers. They tend to be either linked to stress or just from biting the inside of your mouth or tongue accidentally. If you find you are experiencing them regularly, or they don’t clear up after a few days, it could be worth investigating.

Bad breath

If might be something that you notice yourself, or perhaps some kind soul decides to tell you. Bad breath can be a sign of several potential issues.

Sore, red gums

There is a big range in this area, as some people may experience mild discomfort while others have gums that are so painful they hurt to brush (or even bleed). Often it is a sign of gum disease but it can also be an indicator of other issues such as diabetes.

Grinding teeth                 

This can be a sign of stress and can often go unnoticed until your teeth are quite worn, or your jaw becomes sore.

hygiene, health, body, Mouth