Danielle McCarthy

How much sugar is REALLY in your favourite drinks

Good food and drinks are two of the biggest yet simplest pleasures in life. We know we’re supposed to avoid sugar and eat as healthy a diet as we possibly can, but what would life be without a few scoops of ice cream or glasses of Coke every now and then?

Well, you might want to rethink those “occasional” treats after seeing this – not even your afternoon iced tea is safe. 9Coach has put together a visual representation of just how much sugar is really in those soft drinks we all love so much, and once you see it, you’ll want to throw them all away immediately.

Take a look through the gallery above to see for yourself how much sugar you’re putting in your body with each can or bottle and tell us in the comments, will this make you rethink your drink choices?

Image credit: 9Coach

sugar, drinks, how, much