Shannen Findlay

Mum gives birth to 6.4kg baby boy – breaks record

A Texas couple is celebrating the arrival of their new baby, who has broken a hospital record by weighing in at 6.4kg at birth.

Ali Medlock was born on December 12 at Arlington Memorial Hospital in Arlington, Texas in the US. He has been deemed the largest baby born in the hospital, a spokeswoman told CNN.

The average weight of a baby to be considered a “normal” weight is between 2.5kg and 4.5kg . Young Ali is almost two full kilos over the normal range.


Jennifer Medlock, who delivered Ali via C-section, told USA Today she did not expect her child to weigh over 4kg.

Ali is the second child to Jennifer and her partner Eric. His older sibling Annabelle, 2, was born weighing roughly 4.5kg.

Ali’s parents expected him to be around the same size.

“I was like ‘OMG, really?’” she said. “He’s my special baby.”

Jennifer was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormonal condition that can make it difficult for women to carry children.

“It doesn’t matter how big he is, I’m so blessed to have him,” she told American journalists. 

Due to the size of Ali, complications arose for him and his mother. A day after being released from hospital, she was readmitted due to an infection in her C-section incision. A GoFundMe to assist with medical costs has been created for the family.

“We trust God will watch over the healing and protection of this lovely family but as His ‘hands and feet’ we also believe we can play a part in easing the financial burden of the exorbitant medical costs accrued in the last month (sic),” the campaign organiser for the family wrote.

“As you are able, please consider providing a gift to help keep costs manageable.”

record breaker, baby, health, newborn, parenting, texas, weight