Danielle McCarthy

Lumps, bumps and oil slicks: what your skin is really trying to tell you

It is common knowledge to drink water, cleanse, tone and moisture to ensure your skin is healthy, but sometimes these methods aren’t enough. Skincare expert and touch therapist, Sarah Jones, believes that skincare starts from the inside and her approach is based around the idea that your skin reflects the tensions and emotions in your life.

“Have you ever noticed that your skin reacts badly when you’re under stress? I can sometimes point to a spot and say, 'This is from that terrible traffic jam I got stuck in yesterday.' Or when you’re giddy with good news, people often comment on your skin, saying you’re “glowing”. Don’t underestimate how emotions play a huge role in how our skin behaves,” Sarah said.

Sarah explains the emotions behind common skin complaints.

Dry skin

Sarah suggests that dry skin can be linked to deep-rooted stress, self-criticism and a little sadness. This is common in those who are caring and help others but tend to forget to look after themselves. Be sure to look after yourself even if it is escaping to have a bath, and if you need to talk to someone, speak to a trusted friend or counsellor.

Cold sores and breakouts

Both of these skin problems can be an indication of unexpressed anger. Sarah explains that cold sores and spots are nature’s way of communicating that you have gotten off balance.


Eczema, which causes crusting and red patches on the skin, is tedious to treat and can be a real battle to overcome. Sarah believes eczema can be a signal that you feel suffocated in your thoughts and emotionally overwhelmed. She suggests writing down how you feel and finding ways to tackle each emotion.

Oily skin and acne

Those who have oily skin are prone to large pores and regular but small breakouts. Sarah suggests that this can be a sign that you are not relaxed and you put a lot of pressure on yourself. You may also be prone to highly critiquing yourself. Be sure to focus on your confidence and surround yourself with people who encourage you.

Images: Getty

skin, health, body, signs