Danielle McCarthy

Julia Louis-Dreyfus celebrates last day of chemo

Veep actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus is celebrating her last day of chemotherapy.

To celebrate the end of her extremely tough season since first being diagnosed with breast cancer, her two sons have shared a special video they made to put a smile on her face.

Charlie and Henry Hall made their mum a video of themselves lip-syncing to Michael Jackson’s song Beat It.

"Mum's last chemo day, beat it, love Henry and Charlie," read a message at the beginning of the video.

The 57-year-old TV star shared the video on her Instagram with the caption, “My beauty boys @henryhallmusic @charlie_hall made this for me today, my last day of chemotherapy."

"Pretty swell, right?" she added. "Ain’t they sweet?”

A post shared by Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@officialjld) on Jan 11, 2018 at 12:18pm PST


Actress Reese Witherspoon shared the video writing, “This touched my heart @OfficialJLDSending this out to all the folks who are fighting cancer. Beat It!”

In September last year, Julia announced that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Julia revealed that she found out the devastating news the day after winning an Emmy for her role on Veep.

The actress has used her social media accounts to share her journey with fans and post the support from loved ones that she has received.

cancer, day, last, breast, Seinfeld, celebrates, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep, chemotherapy