Michelle Reed

Common health mistakes women make after 60

As our bodies change with age, so too should the way we take care of it. Look after your mind and body by making sure you’re not committing one of these common health mistakes of people over 60.

Mistake 1: You ignore your heart health

 As we age, the risk of cardiovascular disease climbs, thanks to a lifetime of bad habits such as smoking and lack of exercise.

It’s not all bad news though- it’s never too late to change the habits that impact your heart health. A German study found that smokers aged between 50 and 74 years old cut their heart attack and stroke risk by 40 per cent within the first five years of abstaining from smoking.

It’s also important to diary-date medical check-ups such as blood pressure and cholesterol tests. 

Mistake 2: You think weight gain is part of growing older

Yes, the risk of gaining weight increases with age, but that doesn’t mean those extra kilos are inevitable. In an interview with Today, Barbara Soltes of Rush University Medical Centre says those entering their 60s should be prepared to work harder, though.

"If you eat the same things and exercise the same amount as you did in your thirties, you could potentially still gain weight," says Soltes. "Women don't want to hear that, but it is biology."

A minimum of 30 minutes per day of moderate intensity physical activity is reccommended. The guidelines advise people over 65 “should be active every day in as many ways as possible, doing a range of physical activities that incorporate fitness, strength, balance and flexibility.” Some great activities to try to incorporate into your lifestyle include tai chi for balance and light weights for strength training.

Mistake 3: You put up with menopause

Yes, menopause is a part of life for women as they get older, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with uncomfortable symptoms. A North American Menopause Society study has found that cognitive behavioural therapy might hold the answer for reducing hot flushes. Researchers found that relaxation techniques and sleep strategies can have a surprising impact on the menopause symptom, reducing its severity.

Consult a medical professional to find out how you can take hold of the symptoms of menopause.

Mistake 4: You forget to train your brain

After retirement it’s important to find ways to exercise your mind and keep it adept with problem solving.

A recent Finnish study found that people aged 60-77 who exercised regularly, ate a Nordic diet- similar to the Mediterranean diet- and did brain training computer games scored 25 per cent higher in mental tests. Something as simple as introducing Sudoku puzzles or a mind-training game to your morning routine could help keep you mentally alert.

Mistake 5: You don’t exercise down there

Childbirth, hormonal changes and constipation all affect pelvic floor muscles, making them weaken with time. There is something you can do to change this though; pelvic floor exercises can help prevent incontinence or bladder issues and are easy to do at home.

The Royal Women’s Hospital in Australia recommends this simple exercise routine:

Squeeze and lift your pelvic floor muscles as strongly and as quickly as possible. Do not try to hold on to the contraction, just squeeze and let go. Rest for a few seconds in between each squeeze. Repeat this 10 to 20 times or until you feel your pelvic floor muscles fatigue. If you can, do this exercise set one to three times per day.

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mistakes, health, body