Danielle McCarthy

Do you always wash your hands after the loo?

Washing your hands after going to the toilet is one of the first rules that is drilled into people at a young age. 

However, a mum has sparked a debate online after admitting that she doesn't always follow this universal rule. 

“I know this is going to make some people furious, but does everyone, honestly always wash their hands after going to the loo? I definitely don't after a wee,” the woman shared on Mumsnet.

The mum even confessed that sometimes she even loiters in other people's bathrooms so they think she's washing her hands. 

According to her post, women only wash their hands not because of hygiene but due to the fear of "public shame". 

Her post resulted in many people sharing their opinions on the matter with a large number saying it was very unhygienic of her not to wash her hands. 

“Why don't you? It's absolutely disgusting not to,” one person wrote.

Some users pointed out that she might as well wash her hands if she spends time loitering in the bathroom. 

“Can I ask why you don't wash your hands? I mean, if you're loitering anyway, why not do it? I wash my hands every single time, without exception,” one person responded.

Surprisingly, some people admitted to not washing their hands after doing a number one in their own homes. 

“I guess at home I know my bathroom is clean, so I don't see the need really to wash my hands after a wee. I'll wash them before making food obviously but if I'm just going back to my normal business I don't bother,” one person admitted.

According to a British study from the Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), many who claim to always wash their hands are actually not telling the truth. 

"People may claim they wash their hands regularly but the science shows otherwise," says QMUL's Dr Ron Cutler.

The study interviewed people at motorway service station toilets and 99 per cent of interviewees claimed they had washed their hands. 

However, electronic reading devices found that only 32 per cent of men and 64 per cent of women washed their hands. 

Do you always wash your hands after going to the toilet? Share your opinion on the matter in the comments below. 

health, toilet, body, hands, Wash, loo