Michelle Reed

Are herbal teas good for you?

If you’re a regular sipper of something herbal, chances are good that you’ve chosen your blend based on the way it tastes and the apparent health benefits of the blend in question. You might brew up a chamomile of an evening or put on a pot of peppermint when your tummy feels upset. But do these teas actually do what they say on the label? The short answer is yes! Herbal teas are a fantastic way to enjoy the medicinal properties of herbs in a safe and easily accessed way. If you’re keen to expand your “herbal tea wardrobe” try picking up a packet of one of the following next time you’re out shopping.

1.     Green tea

One of the herbal staples, green tea is often touted as a ‘super food’ (or drink) due to its high level of antioxidants. Recent research has also found that it contains high levels of L-thenanine, an amino acid that helps calm and soothe your system. If you’re not a fan of the taste of traditional blends, try Japanese green tea, which tends to be milder on the palette.

2.     Chamomile tea

Regularly drunk as a night time tea, chamomile flowers have a calming effect on the nervous system as well as on your digestive system, making them a great choice for when your tummy is unsettled or if you suffer from conditions like IBS.

3.     Peppermint tea

One of the most popular and easy to find teas, peppermint is widely regarded as a great digestive soother. These potent plants also have energy boosting properties and can help you remain alert.

4.     Ginger tea

Whether you use teabags or freshly grated root ginger, a ginger infusion is fantastic for increasing circulation and easing inflammation. This makes it especially good for the cooler months or for those who suffer joint problems.

Image: Getty

Tea, herbal tea, body, health, caring