Danielle McCarthy

5 diet secrets from around the world

We’ve all heard about the studies showing that certain parts of the world have much longer life expectancies than the rest of us.

Often researchers will pinpoint certain aspects of their diet and lifestyles and find that there are specific things that these people are doing to help prolong their life.

To save you time, we’ve pulled together a list of the best parts of the diets of each of these countries that you can choose to add to your own diet.

The best part is that in a recent study of 35 countries from the Imperial College London, all of them were predicted to increase their life expectancy in the near future. Published in The Lancet journal, the study found that Aussie men born in the year 2030 should live to 84, while females can expect to hit 87.6

So, what have you got to lose?

1. Green tea

Want to reduce your risk of cancer? Add a cup of green tea to your day. The Japanese drink it as a matter of course, and the antioxidants found in green tea have been found to decrease the incidence of some cancers.

2. Seafood

For many of the countries with longer than average life expectancies, seafood played a big role in their diet. You’ve probably heard of the Mediterranean diet being one of the best on the planet. Access to fresh fish in countries like Monaco means that it is cost effective, and consumed by young and old.

3. Yoghurt

Help your digestion and metabolism by adding full fat yoghurt to your day like the Swiss do. The protein fills you up so that you don’t overeat, and the calcium has benefits too. But the real boost comes from the probiotics, which can act as a regulator for your digestive system. Keep your gut healthy and you’ll experience less bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea.

4. Fermented foods

In South Korea, it’s common to serve kimchi with meals. This is a fermented mix of vegetables that contains probiotics and antioxidants. When paired with their traditional dishes of rice, vegetables, egg and meat, kimchi not only tastes good, it also keeps your gut healthy.

5. Miso soup

Visit any Japanese restaurant and you’ll most likely find a steaming bowl of miso on your table whether you ordered it or not. It’s such an everyday part of the Japanese diet – and they are expected to live to 80 (for men) and 87 (for women). Miso soup contains miso paste and seaweed, which is packed with calcium and iodine.

Image credits: Getty Images 

diet, health, International, secrets, body