
4 surprising ways your height affects your health

How tall you are, to some extent, affects how you experience the world. You may always bump your head on the door frame, or get your feet trodden on in crowds or just find it hard to buy the right shoes. All these little things affect our wellbeing, but science has shown there are also larger factors at play.

Here are four surprising ways your height affects your health.

1. Cancer risk

Cancer is caused by abnormal cells multiplying out of control, so, more cells might mean more opportunity for a cancer-causing mutation. That explanation plays out in the research on hormone-related cancers, such as breast, ovarian and prostate, which are more common among the height-gifted.

2. Heart disease and diabetes

Since greater height might allow larger, more robust blood vessels, being shorter can make you more prone to heart disease and diabetes.

3. Organ transplants

It may not be something you’ve ever had to think about, but organs are not one-size-fits-all. Research suggests that people five feet, three inches or shorter currently wait longer on organ lists and are more likely to die in the process. There have been suggestions that surgeons could potentially “downsize” available lungs to fit shorter patients.

4. Injury

This one is simple really – if a tall person falls, they have longer to go before hitting the ground than a smaller person. As a result, their injuries are often worse. Lanky people may also be crippled by slower reactions times since their nerve impulses have farther to travel. 

How have you found your height to affect your health? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: Getty

health, body, height, health facts, healthy living