Money & Banking

Woolworths “essential box” causes fury among customers

Customers have erupted in fury after a latest move by Woolworths selling an $80 “essentials box” labelling it a “rip off”.

The box created to be delivered to customers’ doors during the coronavirus pandemic, and costs $66.93 if the items were purchased individually.

The backlash has been swift with shoppers angrily saying the box “couldn’t even make a meal”.

The supermarket rolled out the brand new initiative this week in partnership with Australia Post, but has apologised to shoppers for only receiving groceries worth half the price. It has been explained the “basics box” is actually delivered in two separate boxes.

The entire box includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack items and can be found online.

The supermarket has stressed the products and brands customers might receive will differ based on location and availability.

A woman shared her discontent with the package, calling it “absolutely ridiculous”.

“This is so sad,” one woman wrote. “Think of all the elderly ordering these boxes and getting ripped off.”

“Can't even make a meal out of it,” another shopper commented.

Others took to the comment section to call the initiative “overpriced,” “horrid” and “disgusting”.

The box was launched earlier this week at Woolworths stores in New South Wales, Victoria and Australian Capital Territory.

With the hefty $80 price tag, shoppers will also get contactless doorstep delivery by Australia Post, and Woolworths has claimed they will not make any money from the service.

A spokesman for the supermarket told The Daily Mail: “The price includes delivery to the door and covers the costs associated with the picking, packing and transport of goods. 

“By streamlining the mix of products and partnering with Australia Post and DHL, we're able to get more food to more vulnerable customers much faster.   

“While it's a far cry from a fully customised home delivery, it's a good value offer covering the basics.

“We continue to work hard behind the scenes to ramp up our home delivery capacity for our Priority Assist customers.”



Tea, 50 bags

Biscuits (or chocolate wafers, sweet snacks), 175g

Muesli bars (or dried fruits), 5 pack

Crackers or similar, 185g


Lunch and dinner

Pasta (or rice, lentils, noodles, quinoa, couscous), 500g

Pasta sauce or similar, 500g

Canned tuna or other canned meat, 4 x 95g

Canned items - 4 x soup, 1 x vegetables & 1 x fruit - approx 400g each

Baked beans or similar, 420g

Tortilla bread or similar, 8 pack

Household staples

Flour, 1kg

Sugar, 1kg

Toilet paper, 8 pack

1 bar of soap (or other hygiene products)

Longlife milk (or a dairy substitute), 2lt

Fruit juice, 2lt

Weetbix, oats or breakfast cereal, 375g

Spread (jam, vegemite, honey or peanut butter), 150g

woolworths, Money & Banking, finance, customers, essential box