Georgia Dixon
Money & Banking

Why now is the best time to buy a new car

The end of the financial year is approaching, and with it comes the opportunity to snag a bargain on a brand-new car. Why? According to 9 News, it’s the time of year when new car dealers are most desperate to get rid of stock and meet their sales targets.

“There are government incentives and some car dealers are under pressure.” John Cadogan from tells 9 News. “If you can find a car dealer who is under pressure and then low ball an offer to them, they might just jump for it.

“There are 300 different cars on sale in Australia right now from about 60 different brands. It's an intensely competitive market and all car dealers are in it for themselves. So there is a great deal of competition and you should exploit that, you should bargain aggressively.”

According to motoring expert and director of Smart As Media, Andrew Chesterton, your best bet is to put in a “cut-price offer” on floor stock in the two weeks prior to the end of June, as this is the period during which dealers may be willing to take a loss if it means meeting their targets.

In addition, Chesterton recommends fighting for an “all-inclusive drive away price”, but you shouldn’t be afraid to walk away if you’re not completely satisfied with the offer.

“At this time of year, anything is possible,” he urges, “Free leather, free auto, free on-roads – all of it can be yours, you just need to ask for it - and they can tally up to thousands of dollars’ worth of savings.”

finance, money, car, buy, saving