Money & Banking

“We’re working very long hours”: Tasmanian MP demands pay rise after claiming $190,000 isn’t enough

Sue Hickey has previously been known for speaking out on social issues such as homelessness, but now, The Clark MP is making headlines for completely different reasons.

The Tasmanian parliamentary speaker believes that she deserves to earn more than her $190,000 annual salary.

According to Hickey, Tasmania’s Speaker and Legislative Council President were the worst-paid presiding officers in the country and argued that the salary should be increased to make sure that those who are the most qualified are attracted to the role.

She did admit that her position was an unpopular opinion.

“I recognise that most of our public servants believe they’re underpaid, and a lot of people would like to see Newstart increased, and we do look like we’ve got significantly larger salaries,” she said.

“But I can tell you we’re working very, very long hours, seven days a week, and sometimes putting ourselves at great risk.

“I would just like to see it commensurate with our peers on the mainland.”

But despite Legislative Council President and Labor MP Craig Farrell also earning $190,000, he disagrees with Hickey’s stance as he believes they’re paid more than enough.

“I think after listening to some of the stories I’ve listened to this weekend [at the Labor conference] about public servants battling, people having to take two jobs, I don’t think I’ll be standing up saying, ‘please give me more money’,” said Farrell.

In the ACT, which has a significantly smaller population to Tasmania, Speaker Joy Burch is on an annual salary of over $260,000.

Northern Territory Speaker Kezia Purick earns almost $270,000.

pay, money, banking, parliament