Ben Squires
Money & Banking

Butchers and greengrocers overcharging customers

Butchers and greengrocers have been singled out amongst the worst performing retailers when it comes to accurate product weights and pricing, according to the National Measurement Institute’s (NMI) 2015-16 compliance report.

While the NMI is prevented by law from naming and shaming specific businesses, the report found 42 per cent of the 642 meat retail business and 50 per cent of the 332 fruit and vegetable retailers audited were non-compliant with industry standards.

Businesses that were described as ‘non-compliant’ used weighing instruments incorrectly, and therefore passed the incorrect price for the goods on to customers.

Martin Clark, chief executive of NSW Chamber of Fruit and Vegetable Industries, defended the businesses in a Fairfax Media interview, “We're seeing a rise in pre-packaged products, like apples, because they're convenient.

“What's happening is the fruit and vegetables are correctly labelled when they're packed, but because they lose moisture over time, there's shrinkage, and that's causing the variation.”

The NMI issued a total of 2938 non-compliance notices last year.

Consumer advocate Christopher Zinn told Fairfax Media consumers should expect better, explaining, “In Moses' days they managed to get the scales right, it shouldn't be impossible in this day and age when there are so many digital measuring devices.

“It's also important that we maintain a system where there's a clear weight or volume measure on the front of pack so that consumers can look at that and know what the size is.”

What do you think? Should we expect better from our butchers and greengrocers? Or is the NMI being unduly harsh in their treatment of these businesses?

Finance, Money & Banking, Shopping, Grocery