Courtney Allan
Money & Banking

Big W's genius $99 laundry hack inspired by Marie Kondo

The Marie Kondo cleaning craze continues to hit Australia in full force, and retailers are taking notice.

The ‘Marie Kondo cleaning method’ involves cleaning out your house and only keeping items that ‘spark joy’.

If you feel nice when you hold an item of clothing or a book, it stays.

If it doesn’t, it gets donated or thrown away.

Jumping on the bandwagon, Big W has released a laundry range that has been inspired by Kondo herself. The All-in-One Laundry trolley has everything you need to keep a nice and tidy home.

It has three different sections available for you to sort your dirty washing whilst also having a built-in ironing board.

The trolley is set to be a bargain which will only set you back $99.

Fans are excited about the new range, which also offers a bamboo airer for $49 and a laundry hamper.

One happy shopper couldn’t contain their joy, saying “both look so nice!!” while another commenter said that “we need this for our laundry”.

There are rumours that the range will be available in stores by the end of this week, according to Big W Life and Style.

Have you used the Marie Kondo method to clean out your home? Let us know in the comments.

Big W, Bargain, bargains, laundry, laundry hacks, Marie Kondo, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, spark joy