Alex Cracknell

Why "Grey Divorce" is on the rise in Australia

It seems that the older generation is taking a page out of the millennial playbook and saying, "Thanks, but no thanks" to marriage.

According to a recent report by Australian Seniors, the trend of "Grey Divorce" has become so prevalent that one in three couples in Australia decide to call it quits after hitting the big 5-0.

It turns out that once the kids have flown the nest, some couples find themselves facing a conundrum. And no, it's not a midlife crisis involving sports cars and questionable hair dye choices. It's the dreaded "empty nest syndrome" – the sadness and upheaval that parents experience when their adult children finally leave the family home. 

The report clearly highlights that almost half of these later-in-life divorces are triggered by the empty nest syndrome, followed closely by increased financial pressures (35 per cent) and retirement adjustments (34 per cent).

But the report also reveals a silver lining. Many singles over 50 are discovering greater happiness and fulfilment in their solo acts. It's like they've found the secret formula for joy, and it doesn't involve a partner – just personal space, independence, financial control, peace and quiet, and less stress. Who needs a spouse when you can have tranquillity and control over the TV remote?

In fact, more than half of single people over 50 reported being content without a committed partner, and almost one-third claimed that their relationship status was a positive influence on their happiness. Move over, relationship goals; it's time for solo satisfaction to take centre stage.

And for those still treading the murky waters of late-life love, there's hope yet. The report offers some sage advice from those who've managed to keep the spark alive, including open and honest communication about changing needs, supporting personal growth, and maintaining independence.

While the report concludes that overall divorce rates in Australia have actually hit an all-time low in recent years, the over-50 crowd appear to be shaking things up and going their own way. So, whether you're contemplating marriage or dealing with an unexpected guest cancellation at your wedding, just remember – there's a 50/50 chance you'll be navigating the exciting world of "Grey Divorce" someday.

Image: Getty

grey divorce, empty nest, seniors, lifestyle