Ben Squires

Why Donald Trump is furious with his daughter Ivanka

US president Donald Trump is furious with his daughter Ivanka, after the two took opposing views on the sexual harassment allegations facing Alabama senator Roy Moore.

President Trump has remained steadfast in his support for the Republican candidate, despite accusations that Moore had sexually harassed or molested nine different women in the 1970s, including one who was just 14 at the time.

Earlier this month, Ivanka Trump was questioned about Moore by the Associated Press.

“There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” she said.

“I’ve yet to see a valid explanation and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.”

A report in the New York times suggests President Trump was furious when he learnt his daughter’s comments, “venting” to several aides in the White House.

“Do you believe this?” he asked staffers, according to sources.

President Trump has been vocal in his support of Moore, despite the allegations, leaving GOP senator Lindsay Graham to questions why the president would “throw a lifeline” to a candidate facing serious sexual assault allegations.

“That’s a political decision by the president. He’s definitely trying to throw a lifeline to Roy Moore,” Graham said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

”If he wins, we get the baggage of him winning and it becomes a story every day about whether or not you believe the women or Roy Moore,” Graham said. “Should he stay in the Senate should he be expelled? If you lose, you give the Senate seat to the Democrat at a time when we need all the votes we can get.”

”What I would tell President Trump: if you think winning with Roy Moore is going to be easy for the Republican Party, you’re mistaken,” he said.

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Hero image credit: Twitter / Business Insider

finance, legal, Donald Trump, US president, Trump, Ivanka Trump, President Trump, Roy Moore