Melody Teh

What is a P-Turn? Australia launches new road rule to stop traffic chaos

A new P-turn road rule has been introduced in Victoria – but do you know what it is?

Aiming to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion, the new P-turn is now in place at the Hoddle and Johnston Street intersection in Collingwood in Melbourne.

So how exactly does it work? The P-turns means drivers wanting to turn right from Hoddle Street must travel straight through the intersection and then do a U-turn before turning left onto Johnston Street.

Motorists wanting to turn right from Johnston Street must first turn left, then do a U-turn and travel through the intersection.

Chris Miller from VicRoads said Monday morning's implementation had gone smoothly.

He told 3AW: “I've never seen Hoddle Street flowing quite so nicely.”

“We used to have people queued up in that right lane trying to turn right on Johnston,” he said.

“Invariably they'd end up blocking the right hand running lane as well, reducing Hoddle Street by one lane.”

Before the implantation of the P-turn system, drivers wanting to turn right would get held up in long queues and block traffic wanting to travel straight through the intersection.

Do you like this new road rule? Would you like to see it implemented in other states? Let us know in the comments below.

Legal, Traffic, Road rules, P-Turn, Australia