Basmah Qazi

The little-known driving rule catching out thousands of motorists – and could cost you $1422

It may seem obvious to some, but believe it or not, there are many drivers who are unaware of the consequences of not following this little-known law.

Everyone knows the importance of seatbelts and also the implications if caught driving without one, but did you know that you can be fined a hefty amount if the passengers are caught without one and if they have their seat reclined while the car is in motion?

Drivers in NSW could be hit with a fine of $337 and three demerit points if they’re spotted not wearing a seatbelt.

Two or more people without a seatbelt could see drivers having to pay up to $1422 in fines and a loss of six demerit points.

If you ride a motorbike and are caught taking your pet for a ride it could cost you $448 and three demerit points. Motorists who have a passenger or animal on their lap while behind the wheel will face the same penalty.

Drivers who are caught with a passenger in the boot or sitting in a trailer will cop three demerit points and a fine of $337.

Road rules, law, driving, motorists