Danielle McCarthy

Neighbours in parking feud swap passive aggressive windscreen notes

Two neighbours in London have been left in a parking feud, which was first started when a passive aggressive note was left on a car windscreen.

The driver, who started the angry note exchange, became furious after noticing that his neighbour had parked over two spaces.

"Your selfish inconsiderate parking is atrocious," he wrote on the note that was left on the windscreen.

He also accused the owner of the car of “wasting space” by parking in the middle of two spots.

However, when the car owner saw the note left on their vehicle, they didn’t take it very well and decided to fight back.

The owner of the car penned their own passive aggressive note, which has since been shared on Reddit.

"To whoever put the note here and the one before that, has it ever occurred to you that I might have parked very considerately behind a car in the only space provided and that subsequently the other cars moved away leaving my a car where it was?" the owner of the parked car wrote.

"From now on, please take note: I always park as considerately as I am able to in the space there is.

"Kindly stop putting passive aggressive notes on my car.

"PS. If you had the courtesy to let me know which house you are in, I could have explained this in person."

The owner also wanted to talk to the person face to face, to end the parking feud.

"If you would like to have a civilised discussion about this instead of making me feel like I am being harassed by an unseen stranger, please drop by, or at least drop a note in my door letting me know which door I can post a response into, instead of making me feel like I have a primary school feud," he wrote.

It is unknown if the pair have since met in person and made amends.

Have you ever been involved in a parking feud with a neighbour? Let us know in the comments below.

Image credit: Reddit

neighbours, car, swap, Notes, parking, windscreen, feud, passive, aggressive