Ben Squires

Facebooks new feature could save childrens lives

Facebook and the Australian Federal Police have announced the rollout of Facebook AMBER alerts, a brand-new feature that could save the lives of missing children.

The AMBER system is designed to help police find missing children, and has been around in the US since 1996, returning hundreds of children home safely.

The clever feature is currently in use on Facebook in Canada, South Korea, Greece, Taiwan, the UK, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, the US and Luxembourg.

The feature works by providing an alert at the top of your feed if a child is missing in your area, with contact details to the police should you have any info that could help.

Comments are disabled on these posts, to ensure that they won’t be hijacked by keyboard warriors and all the important information goes directly through to the authorities.

What’s your take? Do you think this is a good feature?

Finance, Legal, Facebook, Australian Federal Police