Ben Squires

David Copperfield’s famous trick exposed in court

David Copperfield’s famous vanishing trick has been revealed in court, as an audience member sues the famous magician for brain injuries. reports jurors were granted a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the magician’s famous ‘Thirteen’ disappearing act as part of Copperfield’s testimony.

The case involves a British man who is claiming to have suffered brain and other injuries, while participating in one of Copperfield’s 2013 Las Vegas shows.

Chris Kenner, Copperfield’s friend and executive producer, told jurors the secret behind the signature illusion that sees the magician make a group of audience members appear to vanish together while they’re onstage.

Audience members are reportedly chosen randomly and placed in chairs on a platform, which is covered by a curtain. As this happens, stagehands hurry them down through an escape route that’s not visible to the crowd, down unfamiliar passages and through a complicated pathway that leads to the back of the theatre for their grand reveal.

“Is that route an obstacle course?” asked Benedict Morelli, lawyer for Gavin Cox from Kent, England, who fell when completing the route during Copperfield’s show and is claiming injuries to the tune of $US400,000 ($514,260) in medical care.

Kenner denied the allegations, before Morelli asked whether stagehands did enough to visually assess the physical fitness of the audience members chosen.

“At no time are they told what they’re going to do before they start this illusion,” Morelli also asked Kenner.

“They’re told as they’re running the route, correct?” Yes, Kenner replied.

Morelli says when Cox was hustled through the dark, secret passageway he fell on construction debris, slamming his head on the floor. He has since reportedly suffered brain injury, having to undergo fusion surgery on his neck and shoulder surgery.

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finance, legal, Trick, Court, David Copperfield