Danielle Hanrahan

5 things you need to know about roadside assistance

Whether you’re a grey nomad looking to explore Australia or an over-60 road user who only uses the car occasionally to nip down to the shops and local bowling green, roadside assistance is essential.

While it’s a cost most of us would prefer to do without (like most of our bills!), it can be mighty handy in a tight spot. With more cars on the road, the towing services industry in Australia has undergone a steady growth over the past five years. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ 2014 Motor Vehicle Census, 17.6 million motor vehicles, including motorcycles, are registered in Australia. That’s a 12.5 per cent increase since 2009.

With more cars zipping around on Australian roads, the chances for engine failure or a flat tyre are much higher. Over60 Roadside Assistance is a cost-effective way of protecting you 24/7 for when something goes awry with your motor vehicle on the road. Here’s what you need to know.

It’s not car insurance

This is an important one to keep in mind. Roadside assistance doesn’t cover accident, injury or liability like a comprehensive car insurance plan. What it does cover is non-accident related car issues, helping you get back up and running when your car decides to spit the dummy or (and it happens to the best of us) you accidentally lock your keys in the car. It’s always a better idea to call roadside assistance when this happens rather than getting the wire clothes hanger to try and jimmy your door open. On top of these services, roadside assistance also covers battery issues, bogs, flat tyres and, in some cases, emergency fuel.

What’s included?

Now, this is going to come down to the type of roadside assistance you purchase and the fact that some providers don’t cover all areas, like picking up emergency petrol because you thought there was plenty left in the tank. For many standard roadside assistance deals, you’ll usually get help with getting your vehicle towed, flat tyres changed, jump start for your flat battery or replaced (if needed and you may have to cover the cost of the new battery) and help if you’ve locked yourself out of your car. As they say, the devil is in the details, so take a close look at the fine print to ensure you’re getting what you want.

You may only be covered for one vehicle

For over-60s who only have the one car, this doesn’t affect you. However, if you’ve got an RV, or you use another of your family’s vehicles on the odd occasion, you may want to double check if the roadside assistance plan you’re on covers you no matter which car you drive. Or, it could go the other way, where the one vehicle is covered no matter who the driver is. If this is an important element for you, check with your provider to see what options they provide before signing up.

What to consider about price

Most providers will offer an annual roadside assistance plan of about $90-$100 for a basic package for the year. However, you’ll have to check the joining fee. Some providers will waive this if you join online while others will add this to your first year fee, which can be around $50. Usually it’s a one-off joining fee for new members to the service. When trying to decide between plans, consider how often you use your vehicle, how far you regularly travel and the size of your vehicle. Don’t always look for the cheapest plan, find the right price AND inclusions package that will best meet your needs.

If joining at a breakdown

If you’ve broken down in some isolated stretch of road or can’t seem to get your car started when you’re about to drive somewhere from home, and you’re considering calling a roadside assistance company, make sure you’re aware of the conditions for them coming out to you. Some providers will require you to purchase either one year or two years of their roadside assistance plan in exchange for them coming to help you on the road at the time of your breakdown.

Make sure you keep safe and sound while on the road with Over60 Roadside Assistance. And because your safety is important to us all of the time, we will be there to help all day everyday, should you need it. With Over60 Roadside Assistance you’ll enjoy peace of mind when you’re out on the wide-open road to ensure you can enjoy life with less hassle. Click here for more information.

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insurance, money, car, roadside assistance, breakdown