Joel Callen

10 little ways to boost your happiness

Feeling a bit down in the dumps? There are plenty of simple pick me ups that can easily put some spring back in your step. Here are a few to try.

Did you know there are two kinds of happiness? If you’ve ever run through a sprinkler on a hot summer day, you’re familiar with hedonic happiness, or pure pleasure. The second kind, eudemonic, is the sense of purpose that comes from raising kids or being part of a community.

Having a healthy balance of the two is important for lifelong happiness, but also for your health. Research from the University of North Caroline finds people who have high levels of eudemonia have 30 per cent more activity in the genes associated with virus-killing antibodies.

Have a belly laugh…often. If yoga isn’t your thing for fulfillment, trade your class for a comedy club: A good laugh now and then can give you a mental boost similar to meditation, 

Shop for experiences, not items. Experiences, rather than objects, are actually more valuable and make us more than twice as happy as tangible material items. And yet, most people still think that a new purse will make them happier than a day trip to the mountains 

Embrace your inner bookworm. A new British economic analysis estimates that being a bookworm can boost your wellbeing as much as getting a $2,286 raise. 

Trade the pavement for the pastures. The University of Essex in the UK found 30 minutes of walking in a green scene reduced depression in 71 per cent of participants. 

Boost up on B12. Low blood levels of B12 can lead to depression. The good news is that it works the other way around too. In one study, depressed people on antidepressants felt much better after taking B12 supplements for just three months.

Your coffee fix. If you need a quick happiness boost, let coffee be your fix – it increases dopamine and serotonin transmission within just 30 minutes. Three cups a day will reduce your risk of becoming depressed by up to 15 per cent.

More zeal with zinc. Healthy brain cells are loaded with zinc, especially in areas that govern emotion. And in a 12-week study, people who took just 25mg a day saw a significant improvement in mood. Not into going the supplement route? Pay a visit to your favorite seafood restaurant – three ounces of fresh oysters will give you a 52mg dose.

A quick sweat is a sure bet. Just 20 minutes is all the time you need for feel-good neurochemicals to hit your brain. Plus, active people are 85 per cent more likely to be happy.

Sniff some citrus. Citrus oils like orange are natural antidepressants. For a quick fix, peel an orange and bend the peels between your fingers. Or find bottled joy in these happy citrus fragrances.

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finance, insurance, wellbeing, happiness, tips, Derek Mollison