Joel Callen

Yes, some of the best things in life are free

While it often seems these days that nothing comes for free – fear not, there are still little gems of happiness and fulfillment out there that won’t cost you a penny. Try these simple pleasures for a bit of a pep up.

Smile and the world smiles with you – It’s widely acknowledged that the more you grin, the more joy you'll feel. According to one 2012 study, people who received a smile from strangers felt a greater sense of social connectedness. And who doesn't want to feel like they belong? So go on and flash those pearly whites.

The value of friends and family – You can't put a price on your loved ones. They're worth everything without costing a single cent – even if your sister can still be a bit annoying at times! It’s a small price to pay when you consider the real value they add to your life. Studies suggest that friendships and family bring huge health perks, from increased longevity to improved mood.

The power of hugs – There’s nothing like a warm embrace from someone you care about. Hugs can do a lot more than just make you feel good for a split moment. Research shows they may lower your blood pressure and boost your heart health.

Sleep is bliss – Happiness is a satisfying nap or a good night’s rest. Sometimes there’s just no better feeling than crawling into a comfortable bed and letting our minds drift away to dreamland. Sleep is critical for body and brain recovery after a day’s activity.

Laughteris the best medicine – It’s hard not to feel your absolute best when you're in the middle of a bellyaching fit of laughter. It also has incredible health benefits with research suggesting that laughing may boost our memory and lower stress.

All you need is love – Feeling accepted is crucial to our emotional wellness. We’re happier, our immune system is stronger and even our heart health is improved when we’re around the people we love. So, go hug your best friend, kiss your significant other, create warm memories with your family and make a stranger feel good with a simple smile. All without draining your pocketbook.

Magic memories – We often replay some of the best times of our lives in our heads. Nostalgia is one of our mind’s greatest indulgences, and it’s totally OK to embrace it. Studies have found that nostalgia can decrease loneliness and anxiety. Think back to your perfect holiday or your wonderful wedding day. Research shows we spend 47 per cent of our waking hours daydreaming, so why not put it to good use?

Related links:

How to create a personal mantra

Why laughter really is the best medicine

The key to positive ageing

finance, insurance, health, wellbeing, happiness, free, Derek Mollison