Ben Squires

Australia divided by terrifying head-on crash

Dash cam videos are normally a source of debate, and the most recent one posted on the popular Dash Cam Owners Australia Facebook page has divided the nation.

Daily Mail reports the video depicts a crash between two drivers in Campbelltown, NSW. The driver of the car with the dash cam approaches the intersection before another motorist clips its bonnet, leaving the dash cam spinning.

Commenters have been quick to point out poor driving from both parties.

“DC driver is in straight lane with markings along road to indicate following of turning cars, no stop or giveaway on their side so Mazda is in the wrong for turning out without looking,” one user wrote.

“Dash cam car at fault here, look at the intersection / lines on the road,” another argued.

Who do you think is in the wrong? 

Finance, Insurance, Dash cam, Crash, Car crash