Joanita Wibowo

The Gogglebox Australia segment that brings everyone to tears

The families of Gogglebox Australia were sent to tears as they sat down to watch celebrity chef Kylie Kwong on an episode of Anh’s Brush With Fame.

Speaking to comedian Anh Do, Kwong opened up about two heartbreaking moments in her life, including a time when she and her partner Nell lost their son.

Explaining that it took four years for Nell to fall pregnant, Kwong recalled crying “for 10 hours straight” after Nell’s waters broke five months early.

“In the end we felt blessed he lived for six days … inside Nell, alive, and then he let go,” Kwong said. “But the six days was profound.”

The story moved Sarah Marie, who is pregnant with her first child with husband Matty, to tears. “I can’t even imagine what they went through,” she said.

Kwong’s loss also led Tim to share a similar situation he had gone through. “I went through something just as hard,” he said as his sister Leanne comforted him. “I was a father, I had been told it was successful... and then to have it ripped away, it is the most heart-wrenching thing I’ve ever had to go through.”

Kwong also shared about how she came out to her parents in her teenage days.

“It was a very lonely time, because I didn’t even know what was going on inside of me,” Kwong said. She eventually told her father, “Dad, I’m gay”.

In response, Kwong was told to leave the house in a matter of days, with her father saying, “I disown you as my daughter”. However, he later backtracked and asked her to stay.

Tim resonated with the story, reflecting on his own struggle in coming to terms with his sexuality. “Even during my time, as a way to fight against this innate internal urge, I deliberately went out and looked for girlfriends,” he said.

TV, Australian TV, gogglebox australia