Danielle McCarthy

The unhealthy side effects of binge-watching TV

Bingeing television has become the easiest way to indulge in a good show these days. With entire series available to stream or buy on DVD, it’s a habit that forms quickly. But several studies around the world have suggested that there are several unhealthy side effects of binge watching that may make you think twice before you settle in next time.

Pace yourself to enjoy yourself

Those who binge have been shown to have poorer recall for a show’s plot details than those who watch the show more slowly. A University of Melbourne study also revealed that bingers typically understand and enjoy a show less than those who consume weekly.

Bingers don’t sleep well

A study from the University of Michigan showed that those who binge watch television shows at night tend to have a poorer quality of sleep. It is posited that because the plots of binged shows are usually compelling, watching them for long stretches can excite the brain, making it more difficult to switch off. (The study calls this “increased cognitive arousal”, which is fun to say.) 

Bingeing could signal deeper problems

A study out of the University of Texas showed that people who reported feeling lonely or feelings of depression were much more likely to binge watch television as a way to pseudo-medicate themselves. While binge watching might not cause these symptoms, it’s a good indicator to look out for in yourself or those you love.

Bingeing could affect your ability to walk

A study from earlier this year revealed that older adults who watched television for significant stretches of time were much more likely to have difficulty walking at the end of a 10-year period.

Despite the increasing smartness of television, binging makes you dumber

According to a 2016 study, people who watch television for more than three hours a day typically perform worse in cognitive tests, especially if bingers did not get much physical activity each day. 

Which show do you find is the easiest to accidentally binge? Let us know in the comments below. 

unhealthy, TV, side, effects, binge-watching