Georgia Dixon

7 times people were surprised by terrible TV home makeovers

Home makeover shows have given us the good, the bad, and the ugly. And then some more ugly. Really, a whole lot of ugly. Things especially get out of hand when amateurs somehow find themselves with paintbrushes in their hands. The BBC show Your Home in Their Hands and the TLC show Trading Spaces have provided audiences with delight and horror after seeing home owners react to room makeovers that will make you grateful for your meagrely decorated home. 

1. Pattern overload (see above)

On the BBC show Your Home in Their Hands, people entrust amateur designers to redecorate your house, which is their first mistake. This couple opened their door to reveal a headache-inducing amount of conflicting floral patterns and colours. They requested the designer be “locked in a cupboard”.

2. Orange you glad you can paint over this?

The TLC show Trading Spaces has given the world plenty of horrendous home designs, including this kitchen that is reminiscent of Donald Trump’s skin tone. The home owner has a mega-awkward breakdown right on camera. It looks like they won’t be asking their neighbours who did the paint job over to eat in their Nickelodeon-orange kitchen any time soon.

3. The makeover that turned the owner’s world upside down

Not every reaction to a Trading Spaces room makeover is tragic. In this case, one partner was totally digging their new room and the other … well, not so much. The designer decided to go with the least practical home design ever and just hang furniture upside down off the ceiling. That will be fun to take down.

4. A totally sketchy bedroom makeover gone wrong

In another episode of BBC’s Your Home in Their Hands, a family handed their keys over to amateur designers to decorate their home, but they may as well have given some crayons to a kindergartener and asked them to draw on the walls. The first room gets a lukewarm reception, but the second one (1:10 minutes in) is the doozy.

5. The living room design so bad the home owner had to leave the room to cry

This room is hardly the ugliest that Trading Spaces has ever done, but boy did the home owners hate it. The home owner even had to step off-camera to cry it out, but her microphone was still on, leaving viewers to hear her sobs from off-screen. Host Paige Davis is probably still cringing 14 years later.

6. This home looks like something out of Little Shop of Horrors

“At this moment in time, I’m regretting it,” says the woman who just completely got her home renovated on Your Home in Their Hands. From the bizarre wall of fake greenery to a bedroom that looks like a John Waters-meets-Barbie playhouse nightmare, it is really hard to say anything nice about this design.

7. The Pepto Bismol look, for when you want someone to hate your design

Just ask these dudes who gave their roommate a bedroom makeover when he was out of town for a week. They painted his walls a shade that would make Pepto Bismol​ look pale. Even though the room-mate was a relatively good sport about it, he did want to paint it back, to which the cameraman responded: “We’re going to help you paint it back … but after a little while.”

Written by April Lavalle. First appeared on

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home, decor, TV, Makeover, ugly