Ben Squires

The surprising things in your home that could be wrecking your Wi-Fi connection

We’ve all become so addicted to Wi-Fi these days, it’s gotten to the point where a slow internet connection is almost completely unbearable. And while you can fork over a mint to get your hands on the “best” plan, there are many things you’re doing around the house day-to-day that could be dramatically slowing your connection.

And it all comes down to the placement of your router.

Something as simple as placing your router near an electronic device like a TV, fish tank or event Christmas tree lights can result in a dramatic drop in speeds.

The reason this is the case is that every day electrical objects all emit signals that can interfere with that of your Wi-Fi connection, restricting your potential speed.

“We are increasingly reliant on the internet for so many aspects of our lives and it's therefore so important that we can trust in the reliability of our service,” said Meredith Sharples, director at Post Office Telecoms.

“However, the public told us they suffer from a slow internet connection, have had their connection drop at random times and experience a poor Wi-Fi connection in certain rooms.

“We also learned that many are not aware of the simple steps they can take to ensure their home is optimised to receive the best broadband connections possible.”

Ways to increase your Wi-Fi speed:

Are you happy with your Wi-Fi connection?

Technology, internet, entertainment, wi-fi, NBN, Router, Home Internet, Broadband