Jim Mitchell

How to protect your Facebook account from being hacked

Facebook has announced that 50 million accounts have been compromised by hackers who “exploited a vulnerability in Facebook’s code”, allowing them to access personal details of its users.

Now news.com.au reports that login details for Facebook accounts are being sold on the dark web for as little as $3.90.

But there are ways you can act now to protect your Facebook account from being hacked.

1. Make sure you use a strong password

Remembering passwords is a bane of modern life, and it’s tempting to repeat passwords or make them something we’ll easily recall like birthdays, pet names, family members or “1234”!

It may seem an obvious solution, but it can’t be stressed enough how important it is to have a strong and unique password for your Facebook account. Make sure to use a combination of numbers, symbols and upper and lowercase symbols.

2. Use two-factor identification

Two-factor identification simply means having a code as a second layer of protection for your account on top of your password. The code can be sent to you on a different device like your smartphone, which makes it harder for hackers to access your account even if they do find out your password.

You can learn more about two-factor identification here.

3. Set your devices to lock quickly

It may seem inconvenient, but the faster your device locks, the less time someone has to physically access it. So if you don’t have your devices set to lock, it’s well worthwhile. And make sure, just like any passwords, that those for your devices are unique and hard to crack. That means no birthdays!

4. Reconsider what information you share

Of course, social media is made for sharing our information but it could be a good time to reconsider what private information you’re willing to share on Facebook. So think twice before sharing personal tidbits about your life on your Facebook page. 

You can find more ways to secure your account at Facebook.

What do you do to protect yourself online? Tell us in the comments below.


facebook, internet security, hackers, smartphone, Technology, tablet