
Neil Diamond reworks ‘Sweet Caroline’ to encourage hand washing

Legendary singer-songwriter Neil Diamond has joined a growing number of actors and musicians that are encouraging persistent hand-washing and social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.

He posted a video on Saturday night of him at his home playing “Sweet Caroline”.

“I know we’re going through a rough time right now, but I love you, and I think maybe if we sing together we might feel a little bit better,” he says during the video.

Diamond proceeds to sing the opening verse of “Sweet Caroline” with the revised chorus, saying “Hands, washing hands, reaching out, don’t touch me, I won’t touch you!”

The video has racked up more than 1.2 million views on Twitter alone.

Diamond is just one of many musicians that are taking to social media to perform for their followers, with John Legend and Chris Martin recently performing a mini concert in their homes for their followers.

Actors, such as Josh Gad, are using the time in quarantine to do daily book readings for kids and adults.

neil diamond, sweet caroline, music, songwriter, singer