Danielle McCarthy

Children’s book showcase: part 3

This month at the Over60 Book Club, it’s all about children’s books. We’ve picked out six of our favourite stories that are perfect to read with the grandchildren. So far, we’ve introduced you to the first four books, Cyclone by Jackie French and The Underwater Fancy-Dress Parade by Davina Bell, Always by Edwina Wyatt and Lucia Masciullo and I’m Australian Too by Mem Fox and Ronojoy Ghosh. The final two books for this month are Peppa Pig: Peppa Goes on Holiday and We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.

As a Book Club member, each month we’ll bring you six books to choose from. To read the book reviews, write reviews, chat with others and create an Over60 Book Club catch-up, click here. Happy reading!

1. Peppa Goes on Holiday

Peppa Pig and her family go on their first holiday abroad. They pack their suitcases and fly all the way to Italy, where they eat pizza and go sightseeing. But there's so much to see and do that Peppa keeps leaving poor Teddy behind! Will he make it home in the end? A first experience story that's perfect for pre-schoolers.

2. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury

Go on a bear hunt and do the actions with this award-winning picture book classic.

Follow and join in the family's excitement as they wade through the grass, splash through the river and squelch through the mud in search of a bear. What a surprise awaits them in the cave on the other side of the dark forest.

books, children's, classic, Peppa Pig, Bear Hunt