Georgia Dixon

5 books to kick-start a health journey

How many times have you made the new year’s resolution to “get healthy” or “tone up” only to find yourself back to your old habits just weeks later? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. This time, don’t rely on the promise of a new year to get you motivated – just do it! Here are 5 books that will give you some much-needed inspiration on your journey towards healthy living.

Exhausted to Energised by Dr Libby Weaver

Because your mental health is just as important as your physical health, this book will help you fine tune both your mind and body to help you rediscover that youthful energy we all strive for. In Exhausted to Energised, Dr Libby manages to condense all the latest research around biochemistry, nutrition and emotion into easy-to-understand and entertaining language.

How Not to Die by Michael Greger with Gene Stone

How Not to Die taps into that innate fear we all have of our lives being cut short, all the while offering practical advice on how you can naturally and effectively extend your life expectancy with a few simple changes. This New York Times bestseller will make you rethink your diet and could possibly even save your life.

Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar

From the world’s leading yoga guru (who even founded his own style of yoga) comes this seriously enlightening and informative guide for anyone wanting to centre themselves and get a bit of peace and quiet. With simple instructions and helpful photos, Light on Yoga will have you on your way to greater strength, flexibility and mindfulness in no time.

That Sugar Book by Damon Gameau

Damon Gameau’s critically-acclaimed That Sugar Book lifts the lid on that sweet poison we all love so dearly – sugar. After meeting his now-wife, Gameau decided to get healthy by completely cutting sugar from his diet. It worked – he felt more focussed, healthier and fitter. But was sugar really the cuprit? To test his hypothesis, Gameau spent two months eating 40 teaspoons of sugar a day (from foods marketed as “healthy” only). The results will astound you.

Losing the Last 5 Kilos by Michelle Bridges

Despite what you may have thought, for many people the first steps in their weight loss journey aren’t the most difficult – it’s the final stretch. If you’ve whittled your body weight down oh-so-close to that goal number only to find it’s just out of reach, you may need to shake things up. Celebrity trainer Michelle Bridge’s 30-day program will do just that, helping you shed those last 5 kilos.

Tell us in the comments below, what’s your health goal? How are you working to reach it?

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diet, exercise, health, mind, books