Joanita Wibowo

11 best sites to legally download free books

The Internet is an amazing place to find countless things, including free books. Many websites today provide free and legal access to books on nearly any subject, making it easier to build your own digital library.

Furthermore, tens of thousands of books have entered public domain this year, making them available to read, download and share. This is due to an amendment in the US copyright law, which states that works published between 1923 and 1977 can enter public domain 95 years after their creation.

Because of this, famous books published in 1923 – including works by Agatha Christie, Virginia Woolf, Winston Churchill, and Kahlil Gibran – are now free to access. You can download titles such as The Murder on the Links, The Prophet, and Jacob’s Room at one or more of the following sites:

  1. Authorama
  2. Duke Law School's Center for the Study of the Public Domain
  3. Free Computer Books
  4. International Digital Children's Library
  5. The Literature Network
  6. Librivox (audio books)
  7. ManyBooks
  8. Project Gutenberg
  9. Questia Public Library
  10. Read Print
  11. Wikibooks

Do you know any other resources for free books? Let us know in the comments below.

Books, Reading, Internet, Literature