Alex O'Brien

10 unique things to do with old books

Book lovers, this is the article for you. As much as we love donating old books, if you’d like to spruce up your home with trinkets that celebrate your love for the written word, there are some easy and fun ways to do so.

Flip through the gallery above and read how to complete these great DIY projects to repurpose all books. Why not get the grandkids involved?

1. Secret hiding place

Need to hide some secret treasures? Old books make the perfect storage box for stealthily hiding money, jewellery and any other small valuables. All you need is a relatively thick old book and a carving knife. Read the instructions here.

2. Clock

Any book with a hard, colourful cover is perfect for this little project. Once you’ve chosen your book, grab a quartz clock kit (usually less than $10 each), some paint and make sure you have a drill handy. Ready? Read the instructions here.

3. Floating shelf

Guests will love this ingenious trick. You’ll need a big book, an L-bracket, a box cutter, some glue and some screws. It sounds like a lot of effort, but when you see the finished product you’ll definitely be impressed. Read the instructions here.

4. Picture frame

Traditional and vintage-looking books make perfect picture frames, and the best part is that you can make them whatever size you want. All you need is a box cutter and some tape. Too easy! Read the instructions here.

5. Notebook

This is a great gift idea for any bookworm. Get an old book (their favourite if you can!), a box cutter, some glue, and you’re ready to perform a little bit of paper surgery. The result will be a stunning custom notebook. Read the instructions here.

6. Bag

Yes, you can turn books into a one-of-a-kind bag! This is perfect if you have an old hard-back series of books since they’re probably the same size. As you’ve probably come to expect, you’ll need a box-cutter, glue, plus a belt. Read the instructions here.

7. Wallpaper

Not a feat for the faint of heart, but you can actually use the pages of old books for some unique feature wallpaper. It’ll take some time and elbow grease, but the final result will be spectacular. Read the instructions here.

8. Restoration

Have a book you love but sadly it’s showing some serious wear and tear? You don’t have to throw it out! Tear off the original cover and start again, giving yourself a chance to use your creative flair. Read the instructions here.

9. Lamp

This project makes an incredible statement piece in any room. You’ll only be able to use a 15-watt bulb, but it’s worth the effort once you see this stunning homage to your love of books come to life. Read the instructions here.

10. T-shirt

Ok, this isn’t for everyone, but if ever you or a grandchild are going to a costume contest it’s something to keep in mind! Read how Kristin Walko created a t-shirt out of her favourite book Moby Dick, here.

Source: Flavorwire

Related links:

12 ways to repurpose old picture frames

How to make a DIY travel wallet

DIY fabric-covered notebooks

home, diy, decor, craft, books