Danielle McCarthy

16 beautiful artworks by the Over60 community

Art is not only a creative outlet for the creator but it also has the ability to touch the wider public. Voltaire once said, "Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” Scroll through the gallery above to enjoy these stunning artworks done by members of the Over60 community.

1. By Jean Bates

2. By Linda Philp

3. By Margaret MacGillivray

4. By Ronnie Pope

5. By Alice Wells.

6. By Alan Spears

7. By Linda Allen Benyola

8. By Karene Tamaki

9. By Daniel Tamaki

10. By Debra Taylor

11. By Wendy Elizabeth Lydorf

12. By Laura Plummer

13. By Susan Powell

14. By Cheryl Ayers

15. By Faye Montaine

Share your artwork in the comments below.

art, beautiful, over60, artworks